On the evolution of human rights and responsibilities through industrialization
The Visceral Society addresses the evolution of human rights and responsibilities through industrialization. Building common ground between free market capitalism, Keynesian theory, and Soviet-style socialism, this integrates a sustainable model of socially responsible economics.
This is a series of essays on the social theory of human rights with specific application to the period of modernity. Human rights have decayed since industrialization, which in turn degrades the human condition. This is an inherently interdisciplinary text with roots in sociology, political science, economics, linguistics, biology, psychology, economics, and history. Based in a critical theoretical perspective, this book addresses this degradation of rights, and their reconstruction.
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Table of Contents
- Preface
- Be True
- Why describe truth?
- Language, Cognition, Society, and Culture
- Observe, Evaluate, Act
- Social applications
- Human Intelligence
- The Triune Brain
- Thrownness
- Emotional cognition
- Artificial Intelligence
- The Promises and Pains of Modernity
- Emergence and convergence
- Causes of Spirituality and Religion
- Analog of biological emergence
- The Prussian Schooling System
- Religious Fundamentalism
- The emergent pains of modernity
- Social Class and Human Rights
- Social Fluidity and Categorization
- Social progress and the existence of class
- Distribution of wealth in class systems
- The well-behaved class system
- Religionomics
- Risk, Faith, and Proof
- Reason and the Construction of Science
- Apologetics and the Deconstruction of Faith
- The Examined Life
- Post-Industrial Economics
- Global Supply and Demand
- Global Transportation and Communication
- Petrosociety or Information Society?
- Emergence of the Global Society
- The economics of attention
- Sowing seeds of dissatisfaction
- Medieval Icelandic Anarcho-Capitalism
- Current Successful Systems
- Skill and emergent labor mobility
- Agile Developments
- Solution to Attention Theft
- Education reform
- Prejudice and Practice
- Intellectual Property and Pareto
- The unbearable lightness of attention
- The Function of the State
- Mental Pollution, Social Pollution
- Ecology through simple living
- The epitaph of the RIAA
- Social pollution
- Attention codependence
- Earth-friendly behavior
- The War on Terra
- The Roots of Terrorism
- American assault on terror
- America and international terror
- America and national terror
- A Brief History of the End of Oil
- Extinguishing the Tainted Spark
- Blood for Oil
- Roots of Middle Eastern Instability
- The Reemergence of Islamic Fundamentalism
- Privacy and Isolationism
- Project for a New American Century
- Equal Opportunity Social Control
- Just because you should do something
- The Process of Middle-Eastern Peace
- The International Mexican Standoff
- Back in the USSA
- Capitalism is not Democracy
- Socialism is not Oligarchy
- The Currencies of Understanding
- The Structure of American Socialism
- Training the Invisible Hand
- Who watches the watchers?
- Non-profit monopolies
- So, how many types of toothpaste?
- Progress to Progress
- Stalinism in the USSR
- Social Democratic Progress
- Why does the baker bake?
- Anomie of the State
- The Society of Selves
- Industrialized Isolation
- The Entitlement Society
- The Economics of the Shadows of War